Bachelor Nation

Bachelor In Paradise – Episode 7 & 8

Although I watched both of these episodes twice, I do not have a Blog Post to write for either episode.

This is because the first time I watched them I was on vacation and I personally feel like everyone should unplug and be more in the moment. I did, and it was fabulous. I enjoyed some ME time with my family and had fun in the sun.

The second time I rewatched them, after episodes 9 & 10 and when I tried to write about them, I felt like it was a mute point since I was already done with my posts from 9 & 10. So I just said Fuck It and this is what I’ve got to say.

As a Stat At Home Mom, I have Fuck It moments often. I pick my battles. You want to wear shorts in 50 degree weather, sure – go for it. You want milk at 2:30am and that will stop you from crying and throwing a fit when I want to be sleeping .. sure, Fuck It.

What are your, Sure, Fuck It moments? Share them with me!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts, even though there was not recap.
